Fools Who Dream publishes movie reviews and more. It was founded in 2024 to nurture honest, passionate, and insightful conversations about film—and, by extension, the world.
We value skepticism, but we do not peddle snark. We respect the film industry and the people who work within it, despite our conviction that no artist is beyond reproach. Our job is to hold cinema to the highest of standards without sacrificing our sense of wonder. To look up at the screen, not down at it.
Our work is inspired by films, not subservient to them. Despite Anton Ego’s insistence that a critic risks very little, the reality is that opinions are the sum of everyone we have known and everything that has happened to us. Sharing them is a necessary risk.
Fools Who Dream is a publication for readers and listeners who are fascinated by films of all languages and genres. To us, cinema is not a rarefied garden where only “high art” is welcome. It’s an idea that encompasses any motion picture made to be seen on the big screen.
It’s Alfred P. Doolittle, heroically resigned to a morning marriage in “My Fair Lady”; it’s Luke Skywalker, bathed in the evening light of Tatooine’s suns in “Star Wars”; it’s Bill Murray, whispering the unknowable to Scarlett Johansson on a crowded Tokyo street in “Lost in Translation”; and it’s whatever awaits us in the films to come.
See you at the movies.
– Bennett Campbell Ferguson, founder/editor of Fools Who Dream